Sunday 7 July 2013

Christian Jessen Doctor and Television Presenter

Dear Dr Jessen,

I used to tune in to your show Embarrassing bodies quite regularly as it made me feel better about my appearance and cheered me up if I’d had a shit day, but over time I stopped as I realised that I wasn't any less freaky than some of your patients.

The reason I say this Christian (I can call you Christian can’t I?)  is that one day not too long ago when I looked down I noticed that my shin bones on each leg were very large and flat, when I then compared them to other shins I realised that I was the only one who had this disorder. Since then my life has become miserable, I can’t enjoy summer like normal people as I won’t wear shorts because I'm afraid people will point and laugh. My work colleagues have now found out and they say things to me like shin up and call me names such as Shinbig, Shindlers List and Shin Jong-Un. I fell asleep in the staff room the other day and when I woke I found plates, cups and all sorts from the store cupboard balancing on my shins, I felt like a laughing stock.  

I don’t know if you have seen this before on any other patient Christian, but if there is any advice or help you can give me to deal with this it will be much appreciated, because it really is weighing me down.

Thank you

Ollie Trout

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