Dear Mr Oddie,
You’re obviously well known for your extensive knowledge on
wildlife and love of birds etc. I wondered though, has it always been this way? The
reason I ask this Bill (Do you mind if I call you Bill?) Is because I really
used to despise them, waking me up at knob o'clock with their incessant
tweeting. It got so bad that I started a vendetta with this one bird who would
sit on the tree in my garden every morning coo-cooing. In the end I felt I had
little choice but to purchase a rifle and shoot it.
In the aftermath of my actions I felt bad and thought I
should take the time to find out more about our feathered friends in the hope
that I could form some compassion towards them. At the end of the day anything
that fly’s whether that be a bird a plane or superman really is quite amazing.
The more I learnt about them the more my fascination grew and now I can happily
say I'm a fully fledged member of Birdworld in Farnham.
I really wish I could get more people to see how fascinating
these creatures are, I was delighted the other week when a few of the lads from
work invited me down the local park to do some bird watching. Imagine my
embarrassment Bill when I turned up in all the bird watching gear including
binoculars and telescope only to find out they meant looking at women, I felt
like a right tit. Now everyone at work thinks I'm a pervert and lunchtimes have
become quite a lonely affair.
If you ever want to chat about birds, or women for that
matter tweet me @Ilovebirdsandwomen.
Take it easy
Ollie Trout
Very funny as ever!