Tuesday 4 February 2014

Fernando Torres Footballer

Dear Mr Torres,  

My nephew is a huge football fan and you are his favourite player, he has all your posters on his wall and he knows so much about you. Even things like apparently your mother and father were big fans of Swedish pop group Abba and you are named after their favourite song ‘Fernando’. Also you don’t like Tapas and prefer more traditional English foods such as Pizza, Curry and Chinese and when you were young you were apparently playing football in your garden and a broke a neighbours greenhouse six doors down on the left.

The real reason he idolises you though Fernando (I presume it’s ok to call you Fernando?) is through your football. He has been playing for his local club for around 4 years now and plays as a centre forward just like you. He’s watched your game intently over the last few seasons and wants to play just like you and with 3 goals in 68 appearances he’s doing a grand job.

All the best

O. Trout
(Former manager of Godalming Colts Under 13’s)

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