Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Gok Wan Fashion Consultant and Television Presenter

Dear Mr Wan,

I was thinking as I sometimes do about the various television shows you have done such as How to look good naked and Gok cooks Chinese, have you thought about doing one called How to look good naked whilst cooking Chinese…..ha ha what am I like.

On a serious note though I did wonder if you have any plans to bring out a show called how not to dress like a geography teacher unless of course you are a geography teacher.

The reason I say this Gok (is it ok to call you Gok?) is that when I went out with some friends last week they said from what I was wearing that I looked like a geography teacher, now I am not a geography teacher and I have no plans to be a geography teacher, so if you are making a show called how not to dress like a geography teacher unless of course you are a geography teacher, I would be very interested in being on it.

If you could let me know before next Thursday as I'm going travelling, that would be fantastic.

Yours sincerely

O. Trout
(Leisure and Tourism teacher) 

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