Dear Mr Tempah,
I would like to say firstly, congratulations on your
achievements so far in the music world. Unfortunately only one of your songs
has made it onto my I-pod so far and that is Written in the Stars and to be
honest I do skip it quite a lot now, but don’t be disheartened by that, it
comes down to personal taste that’s all.
Now Tinie, (May I call you Tinie?) I'm not sure whether your
name was supposed to reflect your personality in any way but I have it on good
terms that you haven’t got a tiny temper at all and you are a very laid back,
easy going guy. The reason I know this Tinie is that a friend of a friend’s
husband’s cousin’s work colleague is a good mate of yours and has revealed that
back in your school days you missed a bus you used to run for and instead of
reacting angrily, you just patiently sat and waited for the next one to arrive.
On another occasion when you found out you had got a record deal you said to
your mate ‘let’s have a toast, celebration, get a glass out’, but your friend was
unable to find any clean glasses and had to wash some up, but you didn't kick
up at fuss, you just sat and waited calmly.
I know it’s none of my business and it’s probably too late
to change your name now but I think instead of calling yourself Tinie Tempah
you perhaps should have been named Large Patience, anyway no biggy.
All the best
Oliver Trout
(Anger management counsellor)
Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!